hahas okays, ive blogged as promised; its the exact same thing as the one in my blog though. hahahs. anyway, it feels funny to type in the password (for this blog) now. ahahs like so spastic lidat, just tell me if u all want to change it k? and the pic for this blog too, can change to something else tt includes the new pple (huiqi, najid & sngtiak).. yups, they're the ones in the class now. hahs, and yes. HOLS! i feel like killing all of u! its my mid-sem tests next wk and you guys are having HOLS! ahhhhh!!
hahs enough whining, the kayking post.
-------- went kayaking with jiajia, christina, des, daniel, james & sngtiak ytd :)
met up at kallang macs for bfast before heading to KLSSC. hahs kayaked for like arnd 1hr before it started POURING. ahhhh sooo annoying, it was like raining cats & dogs. hmm, had no choice but to stop kayaking and pull up our kayaks.walked to beach road (in the RAIN) for lunch! yays, love the food there. soooo nice =) hahas shared the roast meat thingy with jia, james & daniel. hahas had tang yuan too!
hmm after lunch went back to continue kayaking! hahs kayak-ed arnd the place, to sheares bridge and back. hahs actually, tts about all the kayaking we did. after tt, felt very lazy to move arnd, so we attempted to stand on our kayaks. lols, daniel's smart idea. hahas it was very very very spastic. u'll jus see 5 pple (me, des, james, jia & daniel) keep attempting to stand up, and then falling/jumping into the water. wuahahs. damn funny. esp when theres like several dragonboats (TP was there too!) tt kept rowing past us. hahs. but it was a whole lotta fun. and we're like so so lousy at climbing back into our kayaks. took like ten million yrs for us to rescue each other and climb back. hahas, in the end we just gave up and tow-ed the kayaks back. hahas.
after, went to suntec carrefour to buy slippers for jia, cos she lost it after she capsized, and FOOD! hahas all of us were like starving! hahs then jia, daniel, des & i went bugis to ta pao dinner to national library to watch the bouldering comp. woahhs, super pro. they're all like SPIDERMAN. hahas super cool!yups, tts abt it.
had a really really really fun day with all of you : hahas spent a total of TWELVE hours tgt, from 9am-9pm. hahas and jia, des & i took the same mrt in the morn n the same mrt back home at night, so amusing rights!
the holidays are officially here. lets all have a good time okay? enjoy your holidays. =)
here are photos taken off cosiety showing our very own classmates doing what they do best in term two. (i'm sorry, there are a limited number of pics in cosiety so i took those that have our classmates in them, though not necessarily in the thick of the action. look closely and you'll see our classmates.)
gen rong
i cant seem to upload the other pics now. and for all those who dont have their pics up please send me any recent vjc pics of yourself? heh lets make this complete at least.
Hello all! I'm back. First of all, I'd like to thank all of you who have made the (right) decision of getting the Strings concert ticket. I assure you that you will not regret it. :) Secondly, congratulations to all you college reps who have played in games recently. Congratulations for doing your best and going so far. We're all really proud of you guys! :) Thirdly, I have a few photos to share. So here goes..
The happy couple.
The happy couple II.
The happy class with our dearest GP teacher.
And THE Econs teacher.
Sidney's birthday Extravaganza. Haha.
Maestro in action.
The Great One. Hee!
The Concourse. A place truly for artistic expression.
The Swings - THE place to rediscover your childhood!
An Earthwatch Moment!
Another Earthwatch Moment! ;)
Okay. That's all for now folks. But if I get more pictures, I'll update asap. So watch this space! :)
next week is the last week of term 2. how cool is that! we'll have four weeks of not worrying about not doing tutorials and assignments, no boring tutorials and lectures, no mr so-and-so picking on you and asking interesting questions. on the other hand, its gonna be four weeks of hardcore studying and playing catch-up! well good luck yeah with your time management. lets all do well for mid years. =)
putting that aside, i'ld like to express my heartiest congrats to Xia Han for being our house captain. at least now we know we dont have to pay for any house thingies anymore since our dear Xia Han can choose not to collect from our class. hahaha. congrats to Terence Chua for scoring the winning goal in the hockey semis to bring them to the finals. your carbo-ing paid off!
oh PLEASE PLEASE DO COME DOWN AND SUPPORT THE HOCKEY HERO TERENCE AND SOCCER GIRL'S FUTURE CAPTAIN JASLYN AND MAT GOALKEEPER ME NEXT WEEK!!!!! you have no idea how much the support from our friends can help us. so please please PLEASE keep your wednesday and thursday free. oh and dont forget our SMART DRUMMER SIDNEY and our CARTOON ARTIST CHRISTINA and NOT FORGETTING JIAHUI on friday. =)
okay some random photos and i'm off.
check out who's in the background of the pic.
someone looks angry. haha.
an interesting discussion going on during physics lab.
the extremely nice and high tech video conference room in GIC.
okay that shall be all for now. till the next time then.
This is 'a bit' late to say.As the whole world already know,XIA HAN is the House Captain of Lynx this year. (-.-")...ahem..anyway I was very surprised by the results.Totally,I didn't expect to become captain or anything.I just wanted to get in and didn't think that far,and until now,I still have no idea what a captain is supposed to do.Also,really sad for Daniel and Felicia..They could've become really good house comms..and I even expected Daniel to become a captain...I read his blog just now..no idea whether he's gonna see this entry.He's such a great pal to work and play with..and Felicia too,we all know how much effort u put into the cheerleading stuffs..no one can be a better house leader than u.u just screwed up a speech,that's all *oOps* anyway,I will remember the good times we had.the voters just don't know enough..no more than that 3 minutes of cheerleading (20 minutes for A-Q-U-I-L-A,hehe) of course i must congratulate the other 3 official house comm. members: Jason,Weishan,Zhao Hong =) Well done for y'all!! But still, 6 of us are forever house comm. nominees. As the CAPTAIN *clear throat*,I hereby urge all of you to 使出吃奶的力气 work together for Lynx, and be really cool~ haha. Hope we can have a pledge for invetiture: We,the house committee members of VJC,pledge to become...really cool,really funny,really,realy...urghh..really cheenah and nerdy =D All the best guys! We have bright future =) Daniel and Weishan: Kick some balls in ur semi-finals --" Oh yeah..lastly,how the hell can I forget about the whole 06S53 + Charles from S52,who kept shouting my name however whenever and wherever they wanted..Thank you guys =)
My dear hostel friend,our revered CT rep,Xiaoyun's Da Niu,has opened his blog: http://ditto88.blogspot.com/ Haha..Go down and support!!no matter u know him or not..because he's such a nice friend.He's very cool too.He went fishing with another guy at 3 am on Friday.
[Guys] Victoria 5-1 HCI
The match was forced to stop after the second inning was finished because of the rain.Rumour said that they're going to re-play the game..I've no idea..We played really well..Maybe HCI just couldn't accept their defeat or something.We have good players,and they trained hard enough.They surely deserve a better position this year.Next Wednesday is the RJ match.Who said we can't win? =P
[Girls] Victoria 9-5 RJC
touching games...... (4)
I watched the Chinese Drama Nite with Des,Terence,Priscilla and James just now.It was really nice plays by students..one of the best I've seen before.I would've never known those nerdy friends of mine are actually professional actors/actresses.It was also funny that the whole performance theatre was filled up by PRC scholars from all the schools..HAHA..Priscilla felt so lost in the toilet because every single one was speaking Chinese =) They must felt a little weird there but I think enjoyed the show just like I did.At least Desmond told me it was nice.
Studying Ecomonics...It's getting my head feel like bloated..
Hey people! Before I do a little photo journal on the blog today, I have an announcement to make. I have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Humour. Hahah. No. Actually, it's that Xia Han is HOUSE CAPTAIN of LYNX!!! - though most of you know that already... Yup! Oh, and Xiao Yun is the Overseas Something Chief for ODAC! Haha. And to those of you running for any positions in your CCAs, GOOD LUCK and ALL THE BEST! The class will always be behind you. TO those who are not running for positions, I hope you enjoy your CCAs, whatever they may be!
Now. Today has been one of the best half-days ever known to mankind. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I'll let the photos speak for themselves. Enjoy. :)
We guys came as strangers (most of us) , each different in our own way.
James monster Dan muscular Terence 15 mins Sidz smart drummer (KI) Xiahan go Genrong crooner Afzal weird laughter Simon maths mugger Jianfeng silent killer Shuxie and Mansoor councillers Des me
others came later
Najid mat goalkeeper/drummer Sngtiak indescribable
But despite these differences, friendships formed and impressions changed.
Sure, there were the conflicts. But more often than that, the joys, the encouragment, the fun and all the other stuff.
glad to have known you guys, and the girls too of course.